Frontier building in Negoreloye

Geographical location

Negoreloye village refers to Derjinsk district of Minsk region and it’s situated at 50 km distance from Belarusian capital.

Historical information

In the 20-30s of the last century a railway station was mentioned quite often in local newspapers and magazines. The station of Negoreloye appeared in 1871 after building of Moscow-Brest railroad and got popular in the USSR. From here Soviet people left their native land to move to America and Europe. On April, 1, 1921 frontier committee set a state border between Poland and the Soviet Russia. So being on the territory of Koidan the district of Negoreloye was the gate to capitalistic countries and the first village that foreigners saw. A transfer in Negoreloye was necessary because Russian railroad was wider than European one and a train needed to change wheels.

The village attracted a lot of attention from 1921 to 1939. At that time the border was watched by frontier guards of the 16th Derjinsk frontier squad. Despite of its small population and square it attracted a lot of famous writers, musicians from Russia as well as from other countries. Vladimyr Mayakovsky visited the place. The photo of Frants-Karl Viskope “The transfer to the 21st century” got famous a lot.

The population

Now there are about thousand people in Negoreloye but in 1921-1939 10 thousand people transferred the frontier each year.

Sites of interest

There is a house of officers’ personnel that was built in Soviet times. It was constructed in 1922 but in its passport 1945 was mentioned. It’s a 2 floors building with 12 flats. It has rectangular windows and cornices. There are also balconies on the second floor. There is a loft under a gable roof.

There is only one architectural witness that is left, it’s railway station building. But after the reconstruction it was changed. In the 20-30s the building was bigger than Minsk railway station.

There is also a bathhouse that was built a century ago. Nowadays it is replaced by a shop.

Electric power station gives electricity to the entire village and employs a lot of local people. The building is fenced. Tourists are not allowed to enter. They say that the station has a plan and equipment to manage the railroad in case of a war.

Visiting Negoreloye is included in many touristic tours because it is concerned with the destinies of people who migrated to Europe or America.