Potocki Manor in Berezino

In Belarus there are many ancient estates, many of which are abandoned and are in ruins. Unfortunately, the formerly beautiful estate of the Potocki dynasty, located in the city of Berezina on the right bank of the river of the same name, also belongs to them. Like many other architectural structures of this kind, during its existence it underwent many changes, and from the end of the 20th century it gradually fell into disrepair ... Today VETLIVA acquaints you with the history of the Potocki estate in Berezino.

The history of the estate in the city of Berezino

The Pototskys were an influential count family from Poland, who also had possessions in Belarus and Ukraine. Several estates that once belonged to the Potocki survived on our lands: a manor in the village of Ross, in the cities of Vysokoe and Berezino.

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: the city of Berezino is known not only for its estate, but also ... a distillery! The building in the industrial eclectic style is a real decoration of the city. By the way, the VETLIVA team at one time visited Mozyr Brewery, where they prepare mead, saben and delicious kvass.

The initiator of the construction of the Berezinsky estate was Anna Pototskaya-Vansovich after the divorce. This representative of the dynasty became the richest woman not only of Berezino, but of the whole of Belarus. She planned to use the estate as her summer residence.

The manor was built in 1858. In the second half of the 19th century, the estate was full of life: eminent guests constantly came to the Potockys, for whom they arranged luxurious receptions and balls.

The heyday of Potocki estate in Berezino continued until the beginning of the October Revolution. After the Bolsheviks came to power, count possessions became national. A school was located in the luxurious mansion, then it was converted into a warehouse. Since the 1980s, the building has ceased to be used, and for more than 30 years it has gradually come to desolation ...

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: it is believed that the legendary Potocky’s treasure is hidden somewhere in the estate. When the estate was left to decay, many local residents long and hard searched for the count's wealth, but did not find it. By the way, many interesting places of Belarus are filled with mystical stories, which you can read about in our article.

The current state of Potocki estate

Potocki Manor in the city of Berezino is a two-story stone house, built in the style of late classicism. It is located on the right bank of the Berezina River at the crest of the terrace, fixed by rubble retaining wall. In recent years, luxurious count stables erected from red brick have been destroyed, even a massive stone staircase has disappeared. Of the former greatness and luxury of the interiors, of course, nothing remained in Soviet times. And the appearance of the architectural monument of Belarus leaves much to be desired: the windows of the manor house are boarded up, the walls are showered and overgrown with nettles ...

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: not only gentry estates suffered a similar fate. In Belarus, there are many abandoned attractions that are in poor condition. And many architectural monuments have completely sunk into oblivion ...

The estate is eagerly looking for new owners who will be obliged to restore the building in accordance with its historical appearance. About 10 years ago, it was even bought by a private Minsk company, but during the time allotted for the implementation of the project, the reconstruction was never carried out. They explained this by the fact that the building was bought for a descendant of the Potocki dynasty, which as a result did not appear.

Now the conditions for the implementation of the project have changed: provided that the new owner invests about $ 1 million in the reconstruction of Potocki estate in the city of Berezino, he will receive it for free use. It is hoped that one day there will be such an enthusiast, and the magnificent building will once again sparkle with new colors.

Source: http://wikimapia.org/