The Church of Sts. Boris and Gleb in Mogilev

The history of appearing of the Church of Sts. Boris and Gleb in Mogilev

It is worth noting the Church of St. Boris and Gleb among all the attractions of Mogilev. This unique architectural monument is built in the Russian retrospective style. The temple was built of durable brick in 1869. After the completion of the construction it was consecrated in honor of Great Martyrs Boris and Gleb.

Not everyone knows why Boris and Gleb were numbered among the saints. Since ancient times there has been one sad story about two martyrs which took place during the reign of Kiev Prince Vladimir. This powerful ruler had 12 sons.  The Prince was preparing to the transfer of the throne to his son Boris, but he did not manage to do it. The ruler was killed in one of the campaigns against the Pechenegs. The place of the ruler was taken by another son, Svyatopolk. He was very afraid of dethronement, and therefore he treacherously murdered his brothers Gleb and Boris. After that these dead brothers were numbered among the saints in Orthodoxy.

In the early 21st century in the temple were carried out restoration and reconstruction works, in the result of which the Church gained a proper modern appearance. It is a real ornament of Mogilev region.    

In the opinion of most researchers, the Church of St. Boris and Gleb refers to the retrospective style. But some researchers impute to the construction a mixture of classicism and features of Moscow cultural architecture. A profiled cornice, pilasters at the corners, pronounced trims on the windows, five domes can be attributed to the elements of the latest style.

The cross-dome Church has a square volume and three semicircular apses. A hipped roof is crowned with five domes. The façade is decorated with laced bands and cornices.  The entire decor looks appropriate and harmonious, and the individual parts are original and unique details which attract special attention.

Close to the Church is located a small wooden construction of a chapel that was built in the end of the 20th century.  It is a centric construction with 4 faces. The chapel is covered with a hipped roof of two tiers.

Earlier in the temple had been kept a copy of the icon of the Mother of God, which is very valuable and revered. It was transferred fr om the temple to the Church of St. Nicholas, wh ere it is now.