The Church of St. Alexander Nevsky in Krevo

Krevo is an agro town in Grodno region where live a little over six and a half hundred people. 22 kilometers from here is located the district center – Smorgon, and 100 km is from here to the capital of Belarus. In the recent decade, the population in Krevo is gradually reduced, the town is considered small, but once there were truly great historical events and, one might say, the fates of both people and states were decided here.

  • At the end of the 13th century in Krevo was killed Kęstutis – the father of Grand Duke Vytautas.
  • This town received the Magdeburg law in 1559. Ten years later the warden of Krevo became Marshal Lucas Boleslavovich Svrisky, who later signed another significant historical document - Lublin Union.
  • In the 13-14th centuries the eminent Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas built here Krevo Castle and the village itself appeared in written sources around at the same time. 

The church of St. Alexander Nevsky

In 1854 a Church in honor of this Saint was erected in Krevo. One can easily guess by its appearance that brick and natural stone were used while constructing the building. A three-tiered tower meets parishioners ahead and a belfry is above. Farther the Church is one-tiered and covered with a metal roof.  

The Church towers above the borough, the foundation was lain on a small hill. By the way, this location was not very successful, because during the World War I it was the temple that was first destroyed by the German army in Krevo.

Orthodox believers waited for restoration of the Church in this place for 10 years. Next time construction works on the territory of the temple were carried out in 1954, according to a sign on the rear façade of the temple - then here was a major overhaul.

Overall, in the appearance of Krevo Church one can see features of Western European design, typical for small-sized temples. Passers-by from afar can see among the trees a tower that reaches to the sky with a bulbous cupola with a small cross, and a part of the Church itself. The Shrine with the adjacent land is enclosed with a low fence, the entrance gates hang on stone pillars. A long staircase, along which are planted several tall trees, leads to them.  In summer, the Church of the most Orthodox Prince St. Alexander Nevsky in Krevo looks especially picturesque against the background of a green landscape.

Saint Alexander Nevsky at the age of 16 reigned by himself in Novgorod in the 13th century

This Duke was called a man of prayer, ascetic and Builder of Russia. His reign fell on hard times when the Russian lands were surrounded by enemies from all sides: Mongol-Tatars, German knights. In 1240 the Grand Duke and his troops defeated Swedish army on the Neva, that is why Alexander was nicknamed Nevsky. Strong threat remained from German soldiers. In 1242 the battle on Lake Chudskoe took place, called the battle on the Ice, when Duke Alexander defeated this army.

In the mid-13th century Alexander Nevsky became the single Prince of the Russian lands. At the same time, he made the fourth visit to Orda, where he managed to negotiate with Mongol Khan and to stop Tatar raids for some time. The ashes of St. Alexander Nevsky are kept in the Monastary of St. Alexander Nevsky in St. Petersburg.