The Church of Transfiguration in Logishin

The Church of Transfiguration is situated in the urban location of Logishin (Pinsk district, Brest region), is an architectural monument of the second half of the XIX century. The construction of that brick building took the period since 1850 to 1886 (according to some sources – to 1892). In spite of the fact that the process of converting of the locals from the Uniate to the Orthodox Church was rather difficult, it did not appear a serious obstacle for the temple construction.

The building refers to the Old Russian style that was popular in the Russian Empire at that time. The main features of that style are eclecticism and the heritage of folk architecture of the XVII century from the point of view of the composition design as well as the decoration (moldings, ceramics, etc.). Not far from the temple you can see a quadrangular tented chapel. The chapel was named after Prince Alexander Nevsky.

It is noteworthy that such stylistics was characteristic for a considerable number of orthodox temples of the late XIX century. The best examples are the memorial temple in Lesnoy village that dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of the defeat of Swedes by Russian troops, the chapel of the crypt of the Paskeviches in Gomel, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Minsk and others.

The Architectural Features of the Church of Transfiguration

It has a fourfold volumetric and spatial composition consisting of a belfry, refectory, catholicon and apse. A refectory is a small room on the western side of an orthodox temple that is used for divine services during the winter, and sometimes – for solving social problems of the church men. These elements of design were characteristic of the Russian architectural style of the XVII-XVIII centuries; however, they were still reflected in the construction of Old Russian buildings of the late XIX- early XX centuries.

An apse is a low jamb of an orthodox temple, within which there often was an altar. That part of the building usually had a rectangular, polyangular or semicircular shape.

The vertical dominant is a two-tier belfry in the form of a tent with an onion dome. The central and side entrances are decorated with massive portals and cinctured with three-bladed arched exedras. The same decorator pattern is used in the framework of arched windows.

The Church of Transfiguration belongs to a number of the most famous religious attractions of Pinsk district and the entire Brest region. It is located in the cozy park in Komsomolskaya street.