The Temple of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Recreated on the site of the park

In Orsha there is the Temple of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. This temple was constructed just a little while ago. On the site, where it stands, for a long time there was a park. The temple’s basement was accidentally found in 1987 by ordinary workers that were laying on water supply in the park. Later professional archeologists got down to business, and they managed to restore painstakingly the whole history of the temple.

The temple’s history

Would you like to find out more about such a happy revival of the temple? Go on a trip to Orsha because in this town you are sure to make a lot of discoveries.

But let’s back to the Temple of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. So, thanks to the laborious work of archeologists it has been known about ancient graves. Moreover, it has been proved that under the ground there were cellars, and that the first temple was constructed on the same site in the XVII century. It was the center of religious life at the time. It is also known that the temple was opened for Orthodox Christians during several centuries.

The consecration

The Temple of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin suffers the same fate as many other Belarusian temples. The temple was more than once destroyed and restored until at last it happened to find the basement of the temple.

But the temple was destined to appear only in the XXI century. The temple was constructed in accordance with the survived drawings and archive documents on the same site where the ancient basement had been found. In 2014 the temple was consecrated. The white temple with a blue roof and gold domes is still an important building in the very center of the town Orsha. The temple symbolizes revival, purity of the faith and majesty. Parishioners come here to pray and lay soul bare before God. There are held wedding and baptismal ceremonies. The temple’s doors are always open to those who travel and make a pilgrimage. Numerous tourists come here to look at a valuable sanctity kept in the Temple of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin – the icon of the Mother of God of Orsha.

The way to the temple

Apart fr om this Orthodox temple in Orsha there are other temples. For example, it is the Cathedral of St Michael made of wood and the Temple of St Leonid. Thus, it will be interesting for you to visit these three temples. Besides, look in the church in Orsha. You may also walk along the streets of this northern Belarusian town. Maybe, those of you who often travel around Belarus will discover one more interesting town.

In every town you can find something special. For someone it is a park, for others –museums, and someone is crazy about architecture. Travelling is always a possibility to try something new: to go to the theatre, visit some local shop, watch sculptures.

However, agree that temples, prayed-in places, are of special attractiveness wh ere one can feel an inexpressible atmosphere. When you enter the temple you don’t want to get out from. And it is of no importance that the bus departs in 10 minutes, or maybe it will be a train… You want to stay longer there standing before some icon, watching how the candle is slowly burning, listening liturgical chant. Especially these feeling are strong in morning hours when it is not populous in the temple and sunbeams penetrate through the windows inside.