Trinity Church in the village of Ross

This Catholic Church is known not only in Belarus. The miraculous statue of Jesus Christ, as well as a magnificent sarcophagus of Sophia Paz, is located in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Ross (Volkovysk district).

Jesus Christ statue was caught by fishermen...

The first wooden church in Ross appeared at the end of the 16th century thanks to the initiative of Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Iyeronim Khodkevich, who owned the borough at that time. Khodkevich also donated a bell to the church (1597) and the sacred chalice (1589). Catholic parish was established in 1611.

The first church had three altars. And already in 1618, the miraculous figure of Jesus Christ is mentioned in the churchyard documents. According to legend, the sculpture was strangely caught in the river by local fishermen.

“Mourning Esus” became the main shrine in a new church built on the site of the former one in 1682 with the support of one more owner of Ross – Martsian Oginsky. The believers brought a miracle figure the so-called Quotas (silver hearts, etc...) – a sign of gratitude for the perfect miracle or healing. In 1700, the figure had 32 Quotas, in 1775 – 210 ones, nowadays there are more than 250 of them.

Construction of the stone church in Ross

The construction of the brick church began in Ross in 1770. Yefim Pototsky financed the construction, but the construction decayed in 1796 and resumed only in 1802. Finally, the Church of the Holy Trinity was built in 1807 (according to other sources – even in 1801).

In 1808, a new church in the classical style was consecrated by priest Frantsisk Tsibulsky. After 30 years, a wooden belfry was attached to the building.

A miraculous figure of Jesus appeared in the new church. It was covered with an icon of “Jesus and the sinner”. The figure of Jesus can be seen in the church today. And you can not only see it, but also ask for a miracle...

An architectural monument

Church of the Holy Trinity is a monument of classical architecture in the village of Ross. It is rectangular in shape with a projecting transept and a semicircular apse. The main facade is finished with a frieze with cornice, above which stands attic gable with a semicircular window opening. The side facades are decorated with rustication.

The choruses are arranged at four round columns above the entrance. There are pictorial compositions and decorative painting on the walls and the altar part. Two-tiered wooden altar is decorated with gilded carvings and sculpture.

A tomb for Sophia

There was a fire in 1852. It destroyed the roof of the church. Feliks Pototsky donated money to repair the roof in the same year. Four years after the fire, the widow died.

After her death, a chic sarcophagus made of white marble was set in the church by Italian sculptor Giulio Muskett. The tomb for Sophia was ordered in Italy by her niece. It was set it in 1881. Now the sarcophagus can be seen in one of the side altars.

Some facts about Trinity Church

The church acted in the Soviet years. But the authorities took the priest's dwelling and returned it only in 1990. The church was renovated in the same year.

Holy Trinity Church in Ross has the status of the Diocesan Sanctuary of Jesus Christ. The pilgrimage from all parts of Belarus and other countries is organized to the miraculous figure since 2001. The pilgrimage is held in Ross in August.

The senior priest of the Church in Ross is the exorcist of Grodno Diocese a priest Cheslav Pavlyukevich. The responsibility of an exorcist is to hoodoo the evil spirits and demons by special prayers and rituals. So if you sometimes have dark thoughts – go to Ross.