The history of Development of the Trinity Church in the town Glubokoe

The town Glubokoe of the Vitebsk region has been known since 1515. The town landscape is very picturesque thanks to five nearby lakes. In the territory of the town there are a lot of interesting attractions that many tourists travelling around Belarus are eager to visit. One of such monumental structures is the Trinity Church that was constructed of stone during the period since 1764 to 1782; in 1783 it was consecrated by the bishop P. Tochilovsky. It was built on the site of the destroyed Catholic parish that was established by Y. Korsak as early as in 1628.

In the second half of the XIX century the authorities closed Monastery of Carmelites, and another Catholic cathedral was transferred into Orthodox parish that still functions. That had led to the fact that the Trinity Church had become the only Catholic church in the town. The church could hardly accommodate all parishioners, so it required to be expanded.

In the early XX century the building of the church was reconstructed with the assistance of the architect Zaro; some elements of the church were added or changed.

The Description of the Trinity Church in the Town Glubokoe

The Trinity Church is a cultural and historical monument of architecture of Vilna Baroque. The clear silhouette of the church forms two towers and a high gable above the apse. In the course of reconstruction of the church two tiers were added to the both towers.

Inside the church there are three carved wooden altars designed in Baroque. The first tier of the central altar is presented by a colonnade with statues of Apostles Paul and Peter. The second tier is a rectangular shield with the icon “Mother of God of Hodegetria” of the early XVIII century. The altar is completed with a beautiful composition called “Gloria with Angels”.  Everyone visiting the Trinity Church admires this exciting three-tier art work. In the church there is kept a portable altar with three icons of the early XVIII century – “Joseph and Child”, “The Holy Family” and “The Virgin Mary of Tenderness”. Above the entry there are choirs with a big organ designed in New-Gothic.

The interior in the terms of the inner decoration has the certain features of Vilna style. The frontage is ornamented with numerous decorative fixtures: here there are unusual layered pilasters with delicate painting, a cornice with a broken outline, carved arcs of openings and a fronton with the image “Crucifixion” in the apertures of the arc.

The Trinity Church is visited by tourist from many towns of the country; they learn its history and unusual architecture with a great interest. The trip to the town Glubokoe has already been included into many excursion programs aiming at the cultural and spiritual enrichment of the tourists.