The Swiss valley in Grodno

The curious fact is that the valley, called Swiss, is not linked with the country in Western Europe, which famous for reliable banks, alpine resorts, beautiful watches and delicious cheeses. In order to see this valley, you don’t need to leave the territory of the Republic of Belarus. After all, the Swiss valley is located in Grodno! This vast territory is of historical and cultural value plus it is simply beautiful.

The appearance of the valley dates back to the eighteenth century and is associated with Antony Tyzenhaus, who initiated the large-scale construction at that time. Antony chose the territory. A magnificent palace was built surrounded by a beautiful botanical garden with numerous reservoirs. A little later, many diverse buildings appeared there: luxurious theatre, cadet corps, and various educational institutions.

After one of the divisions of the Rzeczpospolita, the luxurious palace with the park built by Tyzenhaus belonged to the governor of the Russian Empire. But the governor continued to improve the surrounding areas. Bridges were built and comfortable benches for tourists appeared on the river Gorodnichanka, which flows into the Neman. So, Grodno acquired its own Swiss corner. Why the valley is called Swiss? A legend says that famous Belarusian artist Napoleon Orda was overwhelmed by the beauty of those places, which reminded him the beautiful Alpine landscapes. Therefore, the artist called the valley in that way.

But world wars destroyed the palace and led to a huge desolation of the once magnificent park. Everything was in bad condition. And only at the end of the last century, the Swiss valley in Grodno was completely restored and is now rightfully considered one of the main sights of the city above the Neman. Not only residents of Grodno wander around under the shadow of old trees but also happy tourists from different parts of Belarus, impressed and overwhelmed by the beauty of these places. Contemporary inhabitants of the park are not only representatives of the Belarusian bird world. Here are some amazing sculptures appeared recently but guests of the park have already liked them.

This is another place which everyone must see at least once because once you see such beauty, you will never forget it.