Cave in Sakhnovichi

Belarus is not only endless forests, stunning lakes and ancient swamps. There is also a cave in our country! This mysterious place is hidden from prying eyes. It is not easy to find it on the navigator. Lake Ginkovo ​​near the village of Sakhnovichi in the Vitebsk region is the main landmark for those who search for this cave in Belarus.

An interesting fact: the lake is a natural monument. A crypt was found in its northern part. According to legend, there was a secret burial place of one of the princes of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

When did the cave appear and what does it look like?

This natural site was washed out in sandstone, the layers of which were formed about 25,000 years ago. You can still see rock outcrops near the cave.

The only cave in Belarus is small: its length is about 10 m. There is only one hall in which you can see not stalactites and stalagmites, but erosional formations.

Keep in mind that you will not be able to enter the cave, even bending down, because it is very narrow. You should crawl inside. But in the cave, you can already fit in a sitting position. You won't be able to walk here. If you want to see everything, take a flashlight with you. When you are inside, it seems that the walls are about to begin to crumble. Everything here is atmospheric and mysterious.

Legends associated with the cave

Almost every dungeon is associated with some kind of legend. And this cave is no exception.

One of the legends says that two sisters lived here, whose husbands served at the court of the king in Warsaw. They often spoiled their wives and gave them jewellery. During the division of the Commonwealth, the officers were arrested. Women, fearing reprisals, hid all their wealth in a cave by the lake. What happened to the treasure after that is unknown.

If you are interested in tourism in Belarus and like to travel to unique places, be sure to visit this cave. People say that Napoleon's treasure was hidden here. And during the Great Patriotic War, this place housed an ammunition warehouse. What if you can solve the mysteries of the dungeon?

Natural attractions of Belarus: what to see

There are places in our country that you should definitely see at least once in your life. These are Lake Naroch, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Olmansk moors, Berezinsky nature reserve, Pripyat national park. If we talk about the sights of the Vitebsk region, then the undisputed favorites are Braslav Lakes and the country's largest raised swamp Yelnya, which is more than 9000 years old.

By the way, when you are going to the cave in Sakhnovichi, visit Glubokoe. The main attractions of the Glubokoye district are concentrated there: the cherry monument, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, the Trinity Church of the 17th century, the sculpture of Munchausen (by the way, according to legend, this baron is buried here).

It is best to book a nature excursion – the guide will show you unusual objects and discover new facets of the Blue-eyed. And along the way, you will at the same time get acquainted with the masterpieces of architecture.