Lake Verholesskoe in Kobrin District

It is difficult to tell about sights that don’t belong to historical and cultural monuments but still they are part of the history of a town, village or settlement. This category includes lakes. They make a place beautiful, create coziness and uniqueness. It is always a pleasure to spend time with family, rest, or stay alone with your thoughts on the shore of a lake.

A small lake of incredible beauty called Verholesskoe is located in Kobrin district, Brest region. Its history is full of mystery like any other attraction. Unfortunately, there is no historical information about this lake.

It is located in the village Verholesye. The first written mention of the settlement dates back to 1668. The lake’s function changed over time. It was connected primarily with the owners of the place and historical events. It is said that residents began to dig a lake for housekeeping needs. However, there is no written and historical proof. No one wanted to take care of the area around the lake. After a while, it turned into an ordinary swamp.

Belarusian poet Stepan Nefidovich once mentioned this lake in his poems. There is no more information about lake Verholesskoe.

That’s why we cannot tell its history of existence, describe what happened and changed. By 1990, the territory near the lake was in poor condition. Without proper care, its shores were overgrown and became unsuitable for recreation and swimming.

In the 90s of the XX century, water purification was begun. It became a favorite place of fishermen. Lake Verholesskoe is known in the Kobrin district for a huge amount and variety of fish living there. Fishermen come not only in the summer or spring periods but even in the most severe frosts!

Later, the local authorities decided to create a recreation area near the lake. At first, there were several benches and gazebos, and then the project was developed - small houses were built near the lake. So, you can relax, stay overnight and hide from bad weather there.

Resting on the shore of the lake is the most wonderful type of recreation. It is a perfect place for spending time with your family, fishing, listening birds, and breathing fresh air.