The Museum-Estate of Adam Mitskevich in the Village of Zaosye

Zaosie is a small village in the Brest region. Despite its remote location and small scale, many Belarusians who are interested in the history of their homeland know this place. The great Belarusian poet and patriot Adam Mitskevich was born and grew up there. He is well-known not only in Belarus.

The history of the museum of Adam Mickiewicz in the village of Zaosye

The museum-estate of Adam Mitskevich in Zaosye was founded in 1998. The first mention of the village dates back to 1775. At that time, Joseph Mitskevich (a brother of Adam’s grandfather) went into litigation with the owner of Zaosye. Fortunately (or unfortunately), a nobleman could not pay his debt, so the land became the property of the Mitskevich family.

Twenty years later, the estate belonged to the father of Adam Mitskevich – Nikolay. So, the great Belarusian poet was born there. The poet grew up in Zaosye, he knew every path, later Mitskevich came back to meet his relatives and close ones. There was one more reason to love this place: his beloved woman lived near this place - Maria Vereshchaka.

The fate of the estate of Mitskeviches is similar to other Belarusian estates. In the early XX century, the house burned. Ten years later, military decided to erect a monument to Adam Mitskevich. The obelisk stood until the end of the XX century. It was decided to create a museum in honor of the poet’s 200th anniversary. The estate was reconstructed in accordance with the painting of the artist E. Pavlovich, who captured the estate in summer 1843. The process of restoration was very interesting - a lot of unique things and the foundation of an old house were found.

Museum-estate of Adam Mickiewicz in Belarus in our time

Now the new house stands in the place of the ancient building. The museum looks like the estate in the XVIII century. This period is characterized by one-storey wooden houses covered with reeds. Outbuildings were erected near the house – attic, barn, cowshed, banya and mill were restored as well. The house is surrounded by a high wall. A yard is decorated with flower beds, trees and bushes. Not far fr om the estate, you can see a huge mountain which was mentioned in poems of Adam Mitskevich.

There is a small grove near the house where Adam Mitskevich wandered, looked for inspiration and enjoyed freedom. Interior of the museum describes in detail the life of the Belarusian noblemen. Visitors can see how they lived, what they thought about and about what the representatives of the famous poet's family dreamed. reminiscences of Adam’s brother tell us that the estate was not rich. The poet's family lived quite modestly, but the place was full of love, honesty, respect for others and trust.

The estate is divided into two parts - one for owners, the other was designed for servants. 

Excursion to the Museum of the Republic of Belarus in the village of Zaosye

The museum staff makes many efforts so each visitor will like this place. Even if people are not familiar with the works of Adam Mitskevich, it should be interesting to visit this place in order to get acquainted with the ancient Belarusian culture and life. You can visit it by booking one of the exciting sightseeing tours around Belarus on our website. In addition, in the vicinity of Zaosye you can see many other, no less interestingsights of Belarus: