Gorodnitsa History Museum

Grodno is an amazing city that is definitely worth a visit for those who are interested in history and architecture. It is as if you can travel back in time here. Especially if you visit the House of the Master (Bosniac House), which presents an exposition dedicated to Gorodnitsa – a historical district from the time of Anthony Tizengauz.

Unique architectural monument

The museum is located on Ozheshko Street in Grodno and stands out among the typical buildings. This one-storey house with a baroque gable is immediately striking. It seems as if the symmetrically located windows grow into the ground.

The building of Gorodnitsa museum in Grodno is a monument of urban planning of the second half of the 18th century. Architects Johann Meser and Giuseppe de Sacco worked on the project. The ground floor has a vestibule, living room and kitchen. From here, an old staircase leads to the attic.

This branch of the Archaeological Museum in Grodno is built of wooden beams and bricks. The house was renovated in 1990. The first exposition appeared here in 1994.

What to see in the museum

Visitors will learn about the activities of Tiesenhaus, who initiated economic and cultural reforms. At that time Grodno really became royal.

In this branch of the Historical and Archaeological Museum in Grodno, you can see the following objects:

  • Model of the large-scale development of Gorodnitsa;

  • Products of royal manufactories;

  • Scene models from theatrical performances;

  • Collection of articles by Gilibert;

  • Works of folk craftsmen of the Grodno region.

Even in Gorodnitsa Museum in Belarus, there is an exposition that introduces the artisan life of the 18th century. You will see pottery, kitchen utensils, forged items, and more.

What other sights of Grodno are worth seeing

Almost all tourist routes include a visit to the Kolozhskaya Church of the 12th century, the Old and New Castles, the Farny Church, the Lutheran Church, as well as a walk along the pedestrian Sovetskaya Street. If you are thinking of coming to the Royal City on your own, study the guide to Grodno. In it, we have collected not only attractions but also hotels with restaurants.

To see not only postcard places but also little-known unusual objects, you can book an excursion or go on a tour. You will not just walk around the city, but you will be able to explore the picturesque surroundings and ride a motor ship along the Augustow Canal.

Come to Grodno for impressions and inspiration!