Interactive platform with a historical and geographical map of Chashniki
On an area of 432 m2, the main settlements, roads, arable land, forests, Lukomlskaya GRES and Lake Lukomlskoye are marked with colored tiles. At night, the red light highlights the points where during the Great Patriotic War the occupiers carried out mass shootings of people, villages were burned.

It is symbolic that this platform appeared in the district center in the Year of the small motherland and the year of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders. That is why places significant for every resident of the district were marked on the map, which remind of the terrible years for the entire Belarusian people and how important it is to appreciate life under a peaceful sky.

A special observation deck has been built for visitors, which you can climb to see the map from above.

In May 2020, the interactive platform was expanded. Two new unique art objects have appeared here, representing a single composition - an open book and a printing press of the middle of the XVI century. Their production is timed to celebrate the 480th anniversary of the birth of the educator and humanist Vasily Tyapinsky.

Institution "District physical culture and sports club "Skina"