Brest regional Museum of local lore

The history of the Brest regional Museum begins even before the beginning of the great Patriotic war. In 1940 a decision was made of its creation, but the fighting that raged on the territory of Brest region, has suspended its opening for many years. A year after the end of the war, in 1945, the project was re-launched and the necessary funds have been allocated. In 1948, the Museum already had its own building for its needs, converted the former building of Holy cross Church in 1856, located in 34Lenina str. By April 1950, the Museum will have its own staff of employees. Along the way, over the next few years repairs were carried out, the Museum was purchased the necessary equipment. Even then, employees of the Museum had collected about two hundred rare exhibits.

And here, June 22, 1957, at the anniversary of the great Patriotic war, halls with exhibits at that time had only two sections: nature and history fr om ancient times to the present. By this time, the number of exhibits was much more impressive figure was 17 411. Due to their variety, the Museum quickly gained popularity, and six months after opening it was visited by almost thirty thousand people!

1960 was a landmark for the Brest regional local history Museum, Kamenetz tower opened its first branch, which subsequently will be the forth. The Kamenets tower itself is of great interest to lovers of ancient architecture, its construction dates to the second half of the XIIIth century.

Several years after the opening of the Kamenetz branch in 1963 and 1964 the main building of the Museum was closed for extensive renovations. Gradually a new permanent exhibition was prepared and presented to the public in 1965.

Then the Museum staff joined the excavations, which were conducted on the land where the fortress had been located. They collected findings that became the basis for opening another branch of the Museum, which was named the archeological Museum "Berestye". It is located on the Hospital Island (another name for Volyn strengthening) on the site of ancient fortifications. This exhibition shows visitors a thousand exhibits relating to the ancient history of the region: the Foundation and development of the city, then known as Bark sample processing non-ferrous metals and iron; craft instances, the exhibits showed the evolution in spinning and weaving and much more. There are two small shops where you can buy a souvenir on a trip to this wonderful place.

In the 70-ies of the twentieth century, the proximity of Brest to the border with Poland also gave impetus to the creation of completely unique branch. It's called "Saved artistic values" and consists of the confiscated works of art that illegally tried to export from Belarus. The richest is the collection of icons, many of which date back to the XVIth century and represent great value.

The branch "Art Museum" was opened in 2002, and its exposition is located in a historically significant building – the South barracks, once a former part of the Brest fortress.

In 1990 the Museum moved to a historic building, built in the early XX century, wh ere it remains to this day. Now there is a historical exhibition in its walls, illustrating the history of Brest region, starting from the primitive society and up to the first half of the twentieth century. Visit of all of the Museum exhibits is a great pastime that will be fun for people of all ages, from young to old ones. In addition, every Wednesday the Museum arranges a wonderful action – free entry to its exhibitions.