Korolevskie Manor in Baranavichy

Baranovichi is a relatively young city, but there are some truly ancient and well-preserved sights in its boundaries. If you're in Baranovichi, you should definitely visit the unique museum of railway equipment; the bank building which was built in the 30s of the last century; yeshiva (a Jewish school, the walls of which took about two hundred students a century ago), several magnificent churches and, of course, the Korolevskie estate, which we want to dwell on. However, the history of the estate will not be complete without a history of the city within the boundaries of which it is located.

Korolevskie Manor

The manor built in 1871 owes its appearance to the head of the railway, with the surname Korolevskiy. Not by chance, he had built the mansion on a royal scale: it was an impressive two-storied building, erected not of wood but of brick. In addition, it was the first stone building on the territory of Baranavichy.

The appearance of the house is not very luxurious, but the scale of the building is amazing: its total area is 178.5 square meters.

Moreover, the adjoining buildings that speak of the wealth of its owners also impress. There were many outbuildings with different functions on the territory of the estate, even a brewery and a picturesque garden.

Only the manor house and the ofitsiny building have survived to our time. The first is a children's hostel, while the second is just a dwelling house.

Despite its appearance is more than modest, the Korolevskie estate will appeal to all tourists coming to Baranovichi. Because only a few architectural masterpieces which are located on the territory of our country can boast of such a preservation of facades and walls as this manor.