Mstislavsky District Historical and Archaeological Museum
Mstislavsky District Historical and Archaeological Museum was established in June 1988, opened to visitors in May 1995. This is the only historical and archaeological museum in the Mogilev region, a significant part of its exhibits were obtained during the archaeological. 

The permanent exhibition is presented in three halls: "Spiritual sources of the Mstislav land", "History of the Mstislav region from antiquity to the late XVIII century.", "The county town of Mstislavl", reflecting the main milestones of the historical and cultural development of the region.

The number of museum exhibits exceeds 20 thousand, of which more than 12 thousand are included in the main fund. The most interesting collection is "Archeology", among its exhibits stand out: a scribble of the XII-XIII centuries, a cross-encolpion and glass bracelets of the XII-XIII centuries, wedge-shaped stone polished axes of the Bronze Age, beech combs of the XIII century, a glass seal depicting the coat of arms of Prince Tikhonovetsky of the XVII century, a coin of the Crusaders (1477-1489), bone overlays with geometric and floral ornaments of the XIV-XV centuries, tiles with floral, heraldic, geometric, plot ornament of the XVII century, Dutch gold ducat of 1652, silver coins of the Russian Empire of 1848, etc.

The main forms of cultural and educational activities are excursions, interactive museum classes, exhibitions, scientific conferences. Since 2007, the Mstislavsky District Museum has been participating in the organization and holding of the festival of medieval culture "Knight's Fest. Mstislavl".

Excursion service:

Route 1 Architectural image of Mstislav. Sightseeing tour of the city.

You will be able to see unique architectural monuments, such as the unique Carmelite Church of the XVII century, (an architectural monument of the I category), visit the site of the foundation of Mstislavl – Castle Hill, see "London" and "Paris" without leaving the city borders and much more.

1. Central Square

2. Monument to Peter Mstislavets

3. Flag, coat of arms of the city

4. Shopping malls

5. Walk of Fame

6. Fire tower

7. The Carmelite Church

8. Castle Hill (the "Tree of Life" exposition in the donjon tower, visiting the exposition in the excavation)

9. The Jesuit complex

10. Men's gymnasium

11. "Paris"

12. Treasury

13. Zemstvo Council

14. The Church of Alexander Nevsky.

Route 2 "The Road to the shrine" (with a visit to the museum and the Pustyn monastery).

The monastery was founded in 1380 by the ancestor of the Mstislav princes — Semyon Lugveniy, son of Algirdas. A legend is also connected with the foundation of the monastery, which tells that a hermit lived in the desolate depths of the forest in ancient times, and one day he met a weeping Mstislav prince in the forest. The hermit asked what kind of trouble is the grief of the noble master, what is he so grieving about? "So how not to grieve," the prince allegedly exclaimed. - Here I went hunting, a deer ran by, and I just heard his footsteps. I'm going blind." The hermit examined the prince and said: "Leave your horse and follow me on foot. I'll help you." He brought the prince to the spring and said: "Drink this spring water, and then wash your eyes with it!" The Prince obeyed. "Well?  The hermit asked. "I see my stirrups jumping here," the prince said in surprise. The healed prince joyfully came to the Desert, founded a temple and monastery here, and installed the hermit as the rector of the chapel at the healing spring. 

You will learn the history of the creation of the Pustynsky Assumption Monastery, you will be able to plunge into the font with holy Monastery water, touch the Miraculous number of Jesus Christ.

Route 3 "The great man from Malaya Bogatkovka".

Conducting excursions to the branch "M. Goretsky Literary Museum", Malaya Bogatkovka village. M. Goretsky is a big personality, the range of his work is very wide, diverse and rich. He worked in the field of the Belarusian national revival, very well represented the tasks, difficulties, obstacles that faced everyone who decided to follow this path. He belonged to the so-called "golden five", which included Ya. Kupala, Ya. Kolas, M. Bogdanovich, Z. Byadulya, and, finally, himself.

Pre-order the tour three days in advance by phone +375(2240)20015


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