Cherikov Museum of Local History
In 2007, the institution received legal status. One of the active creators of the museum, and later its director, was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a teacher of history and geography Rudikov Fyodor Terentyevich. While on a well-deserved vacation, he worked in the House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren, led a local history circle. There he began to collect the first exhibits, which currently make up the fund of our museum.
The museum has five thematically decorated halls, which consistently present facts from the history of our region:
– hall of nature (four seasons of the year with taxidermic sculptures of animals, birds, inhabitants of reservoirs are presented panoramically, honored workers of the forestry and woodworking industry of the region are also represented);
– hall of the pre-revolutionary period of history (stone axes, fishing sinkers, various flint and chalk deposits, fragments of ceramics of various centuries, reconstruction of a peasant hut of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, information about the family of Princes Obolensky is also presented);
– the hall of the October Revolution (the hall presents the reconstruction of the living room of a citizen of the first half of the 20th century, reveals the history of the district newspaper, the Komsomol movement and various schools that existed in Cherikovshchina);
– the hall of the Lemensky school-commune (presents personal belongings and documents of the natives of the school-commune, the layout of the school, photographs of teachers, etc.);
– the Hall of the Great Patriotic War (dioramas of partisan camp sites in winter and summer, photographs and documents of war participants – natives of the Cherikov district, as well as wartime weapons, military trophies, award badges are presented).
The museum also has an exhibition hall.
The main directions in the work of the museum are:
– preservation of antiquities;
– replenishment of the museum fund with various exhibits and museum objects from the past;
– patriotic education of children and youth.
For the purpose of patriotic education of the younger generation of the city and the district, the museum staff develops thematic excursions, museum-pedagogical classes, quest games, as well as thematic events.
As of 01.03.2022, the museum fund has 9123 items of the main fund and 3607 items of the scientific and auxiliary fund. The main collections that are represented in the museum's funds are: "Household items", "Ethnography", "Documents", "Photographic documents", "Numismatics", "Bonistics". In the hall dedicated to the pre-revolutionary period of history, there are bones, tusk and wool of a mammoth, which arouse universal interest among visitors to our museum. The museum also has paintings by local artists, natives of Cherikovshchina – Alexey Antonovich Marochkin and Alexander Evgenievich Matveenko.
Within the framework of the state program "Culture of Belarus" for 2011-2015, 36 units of the main fund were purchased in 2014 and 2015: taxidermic sculptures, antique furniture, a candlestick and two costumes. These items fit seamlessly into the museum's exposition and now they are receiving increased attention from visitors.
Every year the museum joins the International action "Night of Museums". This event attracts with its unusual nature (at a late time of the day), people of all ages are happy to visit the museum, leave pleasant reviews.
The museum staff is working on the improvement of Slavic amulet dolls, which are used during museum and pedagogical classes. It is safe to say that these museum-pedagogical classes, which include a demonstration and a master class on the manufacture of Slavic amulet dolls, are widely known not only among the population of the district, but also beyond its borders.
The cultural institution "Cherikov Museum of Local Lore" provides the following types of services:
– visit to the museum;
– excursion service of the museum exposition;
– photographing in the museum exposition;
– conducting museum and pedagogical classes;
– conducting a wedding ceremony;
– master classes on creating amulet dolls;
– conducting quest games and much more.