Monument to I. Y. Filidovich, historical monument, 1980
In the city of Dyatlovo there is a monument to the peasant Joseph Filidovich, who repeated the feat of Ivan Susanin during the Great Patriotic War. 

Iosif Filidovich lived with his daughter-in-law and grandson on a remote farm. He knew the places in the area well and helped the partisans to organize a hospital and a weapons depot in the middle of the swamps. One day the fascists descended on the peasant's farm. They beat his daughter-in-law and grandson, and when they began to throw a noose around the neck of a 12-year-old boy, Joseph could not stand it and promised to show where the partisan hospital was located. He led a large group of Germans in the opposite direction from the partisan gathering place and led them for a long time along barely passable swamp paths. When the Germans realized that the old man had deceived them, they shot him, but they could not get out of the forest and died in the swamp. A film was made about the feat of Joseph Filidovich, and a monument was erected in his honor.