The Monument to Frantisek Bogushevich in Smorgon

On 6 September 2009, on the sixteenth Day of Belarusian writing in the town Smorgon of the Grodno region, a monument to Frantisek Bogushevich, the first one in Belarus, was officially opened. Accompanied by the applause and before a public authority the monument was solemnly unveiled. In addition, in the town there were held other events associated with the celebration of the Day of Belarusian writing: awards for the winners of literary contests, the festival of a book, and a concert. There were also arranged excursions in the House Museum of the poet.

The sculpture is located in the town center opposite the Transfiguration Cathedral and close to the hotel "Smorgon". The monument is almost four meters high. The pedestal is made of gray granite, and the sculpture - of bronze. The statue presents Bogushevich in a pensive pose with a book in his left hand. His head is covered with a straw hat, and the overcoat is bound with a belt. He is staring at the horizon. The figure of the poet rests against a light gray stone.

In 1989 the competition for the best sketch of the sculpture Frantisek Bogushevich was held. The victory was won by the team consisting of the architect Eugene Mitko and the two sculptors, father and son Gumilevskies. But the idea of creation of this important monument was realized only twenty years later, in 2009. The delay was caused by financial difficulties connecting with the project. But two decades later the work of Mitko and Gumilevskies was realized in a sculpture in the Minsk Sculpture Center. Moreover, the position of the sculpture was also approved in 1989. Besides, in the Smorgon district there is the House-Museum of Bogushevich located in the village Kushlyany. The beautiful estate is situated a few kilometers from the village and impresses with its exterior. The atmospheric wooden house of the publicist is surrounded by the oldest oaks. The Museum has preserved the poet’s study and living room, his personals and photos.

Frantisek Bogushevich was born in 1840 in an impoverished noble family. The famous poet lived for sixty years, twenty of which he lived and studied in Ukraine. Although initially Bogushevich entered the Physic-Mathematical Faculty of St. Petersburg University, a few months later he was expelled for the participation in student meetings. The poet wrote in Polish and Belarusian; his creative work is considered to be a symbol of friendship of peoples. But the main contribution of Bogushevich is the creation of new Belarusian literature. The talented publicist was a true patriot and became the founder of critical realism in Belarusian literature. The poet had a great influence on Belarusian culture, his merit also consists in the fact that he portrayed Belarusian peasants as noble and truthful. His works are solid, energetic, but at the same time they are not deprived of humor.

In 2009, justice was done and the monument to the great Belarusian writer Frantisek Bogushevich at last appeared in the country. Now residents and guests of the country can see it in the center of the town, leisurely wandering through the park and remembering lines from the poems of the great poet. The ancient town of the Grodno region has many interesting places associated with legends and proven facts. It is the dream of any tourist to visit it.