The Museum of Physical Culture and Sports

The museum of Physical Culture and Sports received its first visitors in 2006. According to the decision of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, adopted in 2003, it was decided to create such a museum on the basis of the Museum of Physical Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism. And this is no coincidence, since our country is famous for its renowned athletes for many years. It is located in the very middle of the city, on Independence Avenue, on the fourth floor of the "Olimp" wellness centre.

At the museum you can find answers to all the questions relating to the sport development history. It is shown how sport originated in the Republic, which Olympic achievements are on the account of our athletes, the awards are exhibited being received for participation in sports competitions at various levels as well.

The museum’s total area is more than 400 square meters and contains two sightseeing halls, a showroom, an art gallery and a conference hall. There are over 16 thousand exhibits at the museum today.

The museum considers physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle promotion its main function, which is very relevant today in our country. By the way, all the selected exhibits perform tasks assigned by the museum.

You can not only get acquainted with the way sport has developed in our country more deeply, but also see the unique rewards of Belarusian athletes, view pictures from various competitions at different times of sport development.

The museum creators haven’t forgotten about the outstanding athletes: the Hall of Fame is created in their honour at the museum.

Museum’s staff periodically organizes meetings with famous athletes and coaches who tell the visitors about the particular kind of sport development, their achievements, teach something. In addition to these meetings exhibitions devoted to sports, memorable dates, events are organized at the museum. Traditionally celebrations in honour of the athletes who have brought to our country awards in various levels competitions are held at the museum.

The portraits of famous Belarusian athletes, written by Belarusian artists, photographic reproductions, sculptures dedicated to the sport subject are placed in the museum’s gallery.

The museum also acquaints its visitors with the development, creation history and the principles of the Olympic Committee in our country. The museum exposition keeps the torches which the Belarusian athletes carried solemnly at the Olympics in 1980 and 2006.

It will be interesting for people of all ages to visit the museum. Now the museum’s staff are working on a creation of a specialized club called "Friends of Friends." It is assumed that sport veterans, Olympic medalists and champions, as well as ordinary sport amateurs will be included there. All the museum visitors can learn not only about the sport history movement in Belarus, but may become interested in some particular sport.