The Church of the Holy Guardian Angels, an architectural monument of late classicism, 1840
The Catholic parish was founded in Rogotno around 1400. In the XV century, a wooden church was built here, which was originally consecrated in the name of the Apostle Bartholomew. In the 1630s, the wooden church passed to the Calvinists, in 1656 it was destroyed during the Russian-Polish war. After the war, it was restored thanks to the efforts of Andrei Zavisha. The restored church was consecrated in 1673, but soon during the Northern War the church was destroyed again. In 1840, a modern stone building of the Temple of the Guardian Angels was built in the style of late classicism. After the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863, the Catholic church was converted into the Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. According to the Riga Peace Treaty (1921), Rogotno was part of the interwar Polish Republic, where it became part of the Slonim district of the Novogrudok Voivodeship. At this time, the building of the former church was returned to the Catholics. In 1947, the church was closed by the Soviet authorities, the building was converted into a granary. Some and sculptures were saved by the faithful and returned to the temple after its return to the Church in 1989. After returning, restoration work was carried out in the temple. The church is a monument of late classicism.