The Church of the Virgin Mary Assumption in Novy Dvor village

Several dozens of scientists examined and described attractions of Grodno, and fingers of two hands won’t be enough to count all the books published on this topic. What can be said about the Mirsky castle, Farny Church, ruins of the Novogrudsky castle? However, Catholic churches are especially honored and rich in historical events. There is a church and a temple in every district center, and even small Belarusian town sites and villages can boast at least one ancient church. Novy Dvor village is no exception where the Church of the Virgin Mary Assumption has survived up to now.

Its structure is an example of the style of folk architecture. By the way, it is one of a few wooden structures that have preserved almost original appearance. And the church is several centuries old! The building was constructed in 1749 on the site of a former church. The sanctuary was restored in the late XIX century. Near the building, there is an ancient belfry that appeared there in 1852.

Taking a look at the church from above, one can see a sharp-edged rectangle. The exterior composition is completed with an octangular belfry and five-sided apse with sacristies. The part of the rectangular building and the apse are covered with a gable roof and the sacristies are covered with separate hipped roofs.

The rectangular shape of the structure allows centering the main premise on the longitudinal axis. The interior of the church is completed with six pillars bound together with two longitudinal rows. These majestic pillars support the ceiling. There are three altars of Rococo architecture in the church. Within the walls of the church there are raylike and rectangular windows that are covered with vertical boards. The gable on the main facade is separated from the rest building with specially designed cornices and has a horizontal covering.

Despite the fact that the structure is made of wood, its inner decoration is rather elegant and even rich. A few churches can boast the presence of three altars; besides, the doors are decorated with golden carving. The roof-shaped cover separated from other elements of the interior with the images of heads of cherubim, vases, cartouches and a crown. In the center of the church, there is its main property – an altar icon of the Mother of God.

The main altar a little differs from the lateral ones: those are less decorated.

Apart from this unique church in Novy Dvor village there are a synagogue of the XX century and a wooden cemetery chapel of St. Yury. So it can be declared that despite its sizes the village of Novy Dvor is very rich in historical and cultural attractions.