The Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist in the village of Volkolata

This church has always been functioning. Its construction took place in 1884-1891 and a free-standing stone chapel was built earlier in 1871. Atheism was powerless. Love of parishioners, the authority of churchmen defended the church from all difficulties.

The church is included in the list of historical and cultural attractions. It belongs to Pseudo-Baroque architecture. The building has no towers. The territory of the church is surrounded by a fence. The interior is designed in accordance with the Catholic canons. But still, it differs from other similar buildings.

Church exterior

The walls are finished in natural stone masonry. The natural structure of stone masonry is not hidden under a layer of plaster, and it is a real decoration of the building.

The gable roof is painted in red and blends with elements of external decoration from red bricks: the entrance gate, the top of the church.

The walls of the facades visually cut high windows, the outline of the window frames resembles windows of the Northern Renaissance. The corners, frame of the building, space between the windows are highlighted with contrasting lines.

... And only now we see the church as if depicted on the canvas, beautiful, made with great taste.

Church interior

Although the building is designed in accordance with the church canons and religious traditions, the interior distinguishes as well.

You will find many carved ornaments, sculptures, five wooden altars, beautifully decorated organ in the church. Finely drawn images of saints hang on the walls and altars. There is also a rare icon of "The mother of God with a Child" (1667). The rooms are richly decorated.

Catholic parish has existed in these lands since the XVI century. There are many "pearls" of architecture. The Church of St. John the Baptist in the village of Volkolata is one of them. Not every detail is possible to describe in words so it must be seen.