The House of Abrampolsky in Minsk

The House of Abrampolsky in Minsk was formerly a guest house – a dwelling apartment building including rooms for rent.

The owner Emmanuel Abrampolsky (sometimes written as Obrompalsky) was the director of the city bank in Minsk.

The House of Abrampolsky is located in the center of the Belarusian capital in Independence Square. The building was erected on the site of a former wooden structure in 1912-13 in Art-Nouveau - architectural movement that has appeared at the turn of XIX - XX centuries, and lacked straight lines and angles. In general, this architectural style is characterized by more "natural" lines, natural and soft, and the combination of functionality and aesthetics.

The House of Abrampolsky was constructed according to the drawings of Stanislav Gaidukevich – a Belarusian architect who had graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. This specialist is also the author of another guest house in Podgornaya Street (now Karl Marx St.), the building of the Polish Bank and other buildings in Minsk.

The three-storey building presents a rectangle. The symmetry is broken only with the western corner of the house where the construction year is indicated. The house has two entrances: main and courtyard. Today's planning of the buildings has been slightly modified as compared to the original.

The current address of the House of Abrampolsky is Sovetskaya St., 17. The previous address at the time of construction of the building was Zaharjevskaya St., 33.

Originally it included 7 rooms; rooms located on the lower floor were rented by Duchess Maria Magdalena Radziwill – a Belarusian woman-benefactor. On the second floor the family of Emanuel Abrampolsky lived.

5 years after the construction, with the advent of Soviet authorities, the building was nationalized.

During the 1920-s in the building accommodated the staff of the Joint State Political Directorate, then -the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs. Here also lived the state and party leaders of the new Soviet Republic.

Between 1919 and 1931 one of the apartments hosted People's Commissar of Agriculture and Secretary of the Minsk City Committee of the Instrument Design Bureau Adam Slavinsky. At the same time the house received the unofficial title of "The First House of Soviets."

In the summer of 1924 one of the leaders of the Socialists-Revolutionaries Boris Savinkov was arrested there.

In 1941 and 1942 the building housed a safe apartment of Minsk Underground Fighters. During the Great Patriotic War, the ground floor also housed a chemist’s.

After the war the house was given to the intellectuals of the city, as the party workers that lived there earlier moved to other houses furnished for them.

At different times prominent figures of science and culture lived there, as evidenced by memorial plaques installed on the building.

In our days the House of Abrampolsky hosts the municipal company "UKS of Mingorispolkom" and the restaurant "Gostiny Dvor".

The House of Abrampolsky is connected with the neighboring house of Unihovsky that was also a former guest house, creating a common view of building.

Today, thanks to its rich history the House of Abrampolsky is included in numerous thematic and sightseeing tours of the capital.