The Dokudovskoe swamp

An oasis among peat bogs, an outlandish world where almost no human foot sets foot— is the Dokudovsky Nature Reserve, located in the eastern part of the Lida district. It is the watershed between Ditva, Lideyka and Narva. And his role should not be underestimated. 

It is a kind of moisture accumulator and the home of rare animals and birds. Like other swamps of Belarus, these are the lungs of Europe. They make the climate milder, reduce drought and frost.

The history of the reserve

Its borders were first delineated in 1990. It was created to preserve cranberry growing conditions and normalize the hydrological regime.

Initially, there was an extensive swamp complex here. Later, part of the territory was drained, and swampy and dry forests became part of the reserve.

Landscape features

There are hollow-elevated areas on the territory. And there is not only a quagmire and impassable swamp, but also pine and birch plantations. And in autumn, a thick carpet of vegetation burns with bright colors. Photos of this swamp of Belarus are impressive!

Flora and fauna

In the reserve you can see plants that are characteristic of the northern part of our country, and grow near the southern borders of their distribution. Many of them are medicinal.

More than 500 plants of Belarusian swamps are registered here, including rare ones:

  • Small – fruited cranberries;

  • Sphagnum is soft;

  • Blueberry willow;

  • Arnica mountain.

It is curious that squat cloudberry, a berry that grows in the north of Karelia, was discovered here. And although she was not pleased with the rich harvest, it's still amazing how she managed to get used to it. 

And representatives of fauna that are threatened with extinction live in the reserve. Grey crane, black stork, big booze, cheglok – these birds of the swamps of Belarus have found their home here.  Moose, wild boars, roe deer and other artiodactyls are also seen within the forest area. 

On the territory of the reserve, there is a tourist route Nemansky shlyakh. You can see the beauty of the swamp with your own eyes!

National parks and nature reserves 

If you want to learn more about the wildlife of Belarus, study the guide from VETLIVA. It contains the most interesting facts about forests, rivers, lakes, swamps and wildlife sanctuaries. And it is best to go on a trip with certified guides. 

You can visit the following places:

  • Belovezhskaya Pushcha;

  • Berezinsky Nature Reserve;

  • Lake Naroch;

  • Braslav Lakes;

  • Landscape reserve Yelnya;

  • Pripyat National Park;

  • Apothecary Garden;

  • Polessky Radiation and Ecological Reserve.

Programs include walks on eco tropes, visits to museums, tastings, boat rides. Book a natural history tour — many discoveries are waiting for you!
