"Belarusian house" Museum named after M. Bogdanovich in Minsk

The history of the branch of the "Belarusian house" Museum named after M. Bogdanovich in Minsk

Harmonious continuation of the exhibition of the Literary Museum of Bogdanovich became a very interesting exhibition "Belarusian house". The Museum building is presented in the form of the house, which has been preserved ever since the life of the poet Bogdanovich. This house is directly connected with the writer, he lived here during 1916-1917, taking a room next to Z. Biadulya. In the heart of the 80s of the same century the building was moved to another street nearby. The Museum opened in 1991, when the house was completely renovated.

Description of the Museum's branch "Belarusian house" named after M. Bogdanovich in Minsk

The Museum is available and open for everyone to see the life of the Bogdanovich and his activities in the early XX century, during his stay in this house. Decorated shed into a kind of art modern style. E. Agunovich was ideological designer and Creator of the entire concept for a Museum dedicated to the poet. His room was thoroughly restored with the memories and the words of close friends. To give the right atmosphere here were brought many things similar to those that were at the time, and furniture of the early twentieth century.

In the Museum there are many exhibits, among them: author of the book of Bogdanovich, documents, and some personal household items. The list of personal items includes a cup holder and a small container of pills. One of the original features in the atmosphere of the Museum you can call it that was created by the bright effect of the presence of Bogdanovich. The impression is that recently he was sitting at the table and created their amazing works. Such a feeling is created placed things on the table and created the atmosphere of the night. Incidentally, the night is a favorite time of day for the successful work of the poet.

The other two rooms have been restored and renovated completely. They are common objects of household use and a small girl's area. For example, these two rooms can be clearly seen how difficult was life in those difficult times.

It is also no less interesting part of the exhibition which is a hall, whose houses are an exact copy of the "Batleyka" of the XIX century from Mogilev and various showcases placed inside exhibits. Among the exhibits are books, letters, documents, photographs, manuscripts and personal belongings of the cultural figures of the time.

In the branch of the Museum and then spend a great performances of "Batleyka" the wonderful works of Bogdanovich. In addition to performances and guided tours through the rooms of the Museum, there is also affiliated with the Museum conducts classes for kids in music. Guys enlighten on the topic of General concepts about the Museum, explain how you need to carefully and with respect for the cultural heritage of his native land.

The "Belarusian house", with the assistance of various agencies of education are all kinds of contests, has quizzes and many other cultural and educational events.