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State Institution of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology"
Minsk region

Address: Minsk district, Borovlyansky s / s, village of Borovlyany, st. Frunzenskaya, d. 43, Minsk region


      State institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Children’s Oncology, Hematology and Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus” is a unique children’s medical center created by joint efforts of the Belarusian and Austrian governments.

      To save the life of a little being, to give the opportunity to grow healthy — that is exactly what the employees of the Center see as the sense of their work. The institution specializes in providing medical care for children under 18 with oncological, hematological diseases and congenital immunodeficiencies, as well as adults under 29 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

      Every year the activities of the Center are connected with new professional and scientific achievements in the struggle for the health of their patients:

1998 The Center became the leading medical institution in the Republic of Belarus for bone marrow and peripheral stem cells transplantation in children. Currently up to 100 transplantations are carried out per year.

2002. It occupied a leading position in the diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency states in children.

2009. A bank to store cord blood cells was being created and had been actively functioning.

2012. The Center was given the status of the Jeffrey Modell International Center for Diagnostics and Treatment of Primary Immunodeficiencies, which brings together more than 50 centers in Europe and the United States.

      If necessary the search for a donor for unrelated transplantation is carried out at the International Bank of Bone Marrow Donors. The center cooperates with oncological and hematological centers in Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, and Japan. The employees of the center regularly undergo internships in the clinics of Austria, England, Germany, Switzerland, and the USA.
Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and immunology
Pediatric surgery
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