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Gomel Regional Clinical Oncology Center
Gomel region

Address: Gomel, Meditsinskaya St., 2, Gomel, Gomel region


Currently, GOKOD is one of the leading clinical institutions of the Gomel oblast, 12 clinical departments with a capacity of 500 beds are deployed on its base, as well as a polyclinic department for 500 visits per shift and all necessary diagnostic services.

Under GOKOD conditions, specialized treatment of cancer patients is carried out. Combined and complex treatment is widely used, which includes the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The dispensary employs more than 800 employees: including more than 130 doctors, 320 medium and 230 junior medical staff. The medical staff is represented by highly professional specialists - oncologists-surgeons, radiologists, chemotherapeutists, more than 60 of them have the highest qualification category, more than 70 first and more than 30 - the second, four doctors have the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences, one doctor of medical sciences. Leading specialists of the dispensary passed medical training in European clinics in Germany, Italy, France, the Czech Republic and are active members of the European School of Oncology.

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the number of patients from countries of the near and far abroad who received out-patient and inpatient treatment at a paid basis in a dispensary. Over a year, more than 1200 patients with various oncopathologies.

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