The Castle in Novogrudok

History of Novogrudok and its sights

Novogrudok is located in Grodno region. It is a district center.

The formation and development of Novogrudok, appeared in the XI century, are associated with Yaroslav the Wise. The heyday of the town is connected with Mindovg: Novogrudok was the central town of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the XVI century, the town was part of the Rzech Pospolita; after the third division of the Rzech Pospolita, it belonged to the Russian Empire.

Nowadays, 29 594 inhabitants live in Novogrudok.

The main sight of Novogrudok: Novogrudok Castle

Novogrudok Castle occupies a special place among the monuments of architecture of Belarus. The reason for this is the unique layout of the castle, and the rich history of its existence.

The castle has a complicated structure. It is known that the castle had been rebuilt many times since the XI century, for two hundred years. In the second half of the XIII century, a wooden fence was replaced by thick oak. At the same time, the first stone tower was built. Numerous sieges led to the complete destruction of the tower. A new tower was built. The building had five floors. The three-meter thick walls had an opening for a gate. It was tightly closed during the castle siege.

At the beginning of the XV century, it was decided to fortify the castle. It was necessary to increase the number of stone buildings. Three additional towers were built and they were connected by walls.

A century later, no wooden buildings left in the castle. Thus, the castle of Novogrudok became the most fortified building in the territory of Belarus in the XVI century due to its seven towers.

The castle, especially towers, suffered during the wars in the mid-XVII century. The battles of the Northern War caused severe damage – fortifications, remains of walls and towers were completely destructed.

Novogrudok Castle in our time

The reconstruction works began in 1921. Soviet and Polish archaeologists worked hard in order to restore the towers and walls. Today, tourists can see fragments of two towers.

Knight’s festivals are held annually in the territory of the former castle. Lovers of medieval history, tourists visiting Belarus, and those who want to have fun come to the ancient town of Novogrudok.

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