The wooden church in the village of Kukhtichi

Geographical location

The village of Kukhtichi is located on the territory of Uzda district of Minsk region. The largest settlement near the village is the agro-town of Semenovichi, located 6 km from Uzda.

Historical background

The formation of Kuhtichi village is associated with the Zawishas kin, whose coat of arms was represented with the Swan. The future estate lands passed to Appolonia Zavisha from the Gorskys princes in 1690. Kukhtichi estate was formed under the leadership of Kazimir Zavisha, who started the land development with the wooden church construction in 1798. The most intensive work on the estate development was held under the grandson of Kazimir Zavisha - Jan Kazimierz. He entered the history of Belarus as a scientist, archaeologist and famous cultural figure. His daughter Maria Magdalena continued her father's business in infrastructure development in Kuhtichi. Despite numerous trips to Europe, Maria Magdalena always returned with great impatience and joy to her native land. In April 1882, the girl had married a rich Polish Count Ludwik Krasinsky. However, after 7 years of marriage, Mary Magdalena became a widow. On another trip to Europe she met Nikolai Vaclav Radziwill. Even the difference of 19 years (Maria was older) did not prevent the marriage, which took place in 1906 in London. The First World War complicated the quiet family life of the Radziwills. Nicholai went to the front and heroically died in battle. In the revolutionary years the life of Vaclav Radziwill’s widow herself was under the threat because of her political convictions, and the woman decided to leave the country. At first Maria Magdalena lived in Germany, then in Switzerland. She completed her life in 84 years, being a resident of Warsaw.


Despite a small population, the village of Kuhtichi is of great interest for tourists, and every visitor is greeted warmly and kindly here.


A wooden church draws a special attention in Kuhtichi village. The building was constructed in 1897. The building is placed near the local cemetery. The rectangular structure has a tambour and a main room. There is a bell tower on the three-level roof of the tambour. The iron dome with a cross is placed on the bell tower and serves now as the only evidence that once a construction of the XIX century end was in Kuhtichi. The main building has a quadrangular shape and it is small in size. There is a small tower with a dome and a cross on its three-slope roof as well.

Unfortunately, the church architect remains unknown. As it is not known, in what holiday or saint honour it was erected. Considering the church construction by Kazimierz Zawisha and the Calvin collection presence on the territory of the Kukhtichi estate, it can be assumed that the wooden building in the village relates to the buildings of the Catholic architecture.

Currently, a visit to the village of Kuhtichi is included in many popular tourist routes around Belarus.