The Tarasevichis Family Estate in Gnezno Village

No matter what excursion route a tourist chooses in Belarus, all the waypoints are always unusual. For example, apart from temples, churches and monuments that are usual for a tourist, there are also family estates in “the Blue-eyed”. Of course, it is interesting to look at them, learn about the history of these important for Belarus witnesses of the past.

In the Grodno region

In terms of the number of estates there is no obvious leader among the Belarusian regions; every region is famous for its own variety and originality. Of course, the Grodno region can be called a leader, but it would be unfair in regard to the others. However, we will focus on an estate in Gnezno village which is located in the Grodno region.

The old village

You are sure to be greatly surprised that Gnezno village has its namesake in so close Poland. Maybe someone knows, but it is the Polish town Gnezno was the first capital of Poland in times gone by. It's amazing how everything is interconnected and the threads of history are sometimes so skillfully woven.

You’ll want to learn more about the history of the village. And, no doubt, you’ll succeed as our Belarusian Gnezno is equally rich in historical events as the Polish one.

After the fire of 1812

But let us return to the present, to Tarasevichis family estate that is eastward from the church. The manor house is now given to the disposal of the Gniezno village Council. But this does not prevent from looking at it. You'll love this estate with massive columns designed in the Classic style. It should be said that the original appearance of the estate has not survived up to now. The reason for this is a fire outbreak that occurred in 1812 in Gnezno. However, with the efforts of the Tarasevichis the reconstruction of the estate was still carried out. The building that many tourists see today in Gnezno is a structure of 1840.

Along the alley of time

Outbuildings around the manor house have survived; they were very important for the welfare and upkeep. So, a stable, an ice house and outbuildings have survived up to now. It should be said that all the structures are located close to the pond. It is also very important for visitors, as after watching main sights they can spend some time near the water admiring the beauty of nature and gaining strength for further journey.

Not to forget the estate

Tarasevichis family estate is very important for the architectural heritage of the Gnezno village in particular and for the whole Belarus in general. Of course, it would be great if more than one generation of Belarusians could see it. Such buildings can "tell" much more than descriptions in books. Hopefully, the world will beat a tourist path to Gnezno; hospitality and incredible love for the history that we have inherited from our ancestors will always reign there. Come to Gnezno to see a lot of interesting things and then tell about them to everyone you know.