The Monument to Lenin in Neswizh


Neswizh buried in verdure is a tourist Mecca in Belorussia. This small in size and population town is called “Belarusian Paris”. Thousands of tourists walk in the park, take pictures against the background of the Neswizh Palace at any time of the year. Whether it is Autumn, Winter, Summer or Spring, Neswizh is always attractive. The visit to this town is included in almost all tour itineraries of Belarussia.

The largest number of monuments

It is hardly believed that somebody comes to Neswizh specially to watch the monument to Lenin. You will agree it is not so rare in our country. Monuments to the leader of world proletariat are found almost in all Belarusian towns. Generally they are made of bronze and situated in the main squares and streets of regional and district towns. And, of course, in the capital.

Today there are 400 monuments in Belorussia. Each of them symbolizes memory of the great person that was Lenin.

The only one in the town

The monument to Lenin in Neswizh is one of those bronze monuments that survived up to our days. Though the character of V.I.Lenin is controversial but certainly deserves respect.  It is Lenin who changed the course of history and became a role model for many years. His works were studied by many generations; his phrases became aphorisms and were learnt by heart. In the Soviet times it was a tradition to portray Lenin and to immortalize him in bronze monuments.

It is typical that in 1957 the monument to V.I.Lenin in the market square in Neswizh. It appeared to be the only one in the town and it was standing in the town center in 1a, Sovetskaya Street for a long time. The monument to V.I.Lenin changed its location after the restoration of the town house. It was in 2004.

Since 2004 and up to this day the monument to V.I.Lenin in Neswizh is situated over one crossing from the town house. When the weather is bad, trees shelter it from rain and snow, and in summer – from heat.

Grandpa Lenin

Passing by the monument, perhaps, some first-grader will ask his mother or father who is that grandpa with a beard. Of course, it is not easy to explain who is Lenin and why his monument stands here. But the point is that this historical figure should not be forgotten.  Because such people as Lenin are bright personalities, they are the part of our history, and it is impossible to create a new future without knowing the past.

Even foreign guests coming to Neswizh may probably notice day the monument to V.I.Lenin. They will be interested in another chapter of the country’s history where Vladimir Lenin is a key figure.

It is impossible to imagine that one day all monuments to V.I.Lenin in Belorussia will disappear.  At least, we should not pass by them now, and should tell the younger generation about the history and organize tour itineraries, including these survived monuments.