The Museum of Yakub Kolas in Nicolaevschina

The Belarusian land over its existence “has given birth” and has grown many talented people that has proved themselves in different spheres of science, culture and art. One of them is a writer that has become the arguable legend of Belarusian literature – Yakub Kolas. His real name is Konstantin Mitskevich. At various times of his life, that respected person was granted the title of academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR and Honored Scientist of the BSSR. Besides, Yakub Kolas has obtained a lot of admires and connoisseurs of his creative work fr om all across the world.

Konstantin Mitskevich was born in the small village of Akinchintsy of Minsk region in the family of a forester. After graduating fr om the lower secondary school, the future poet went to study at the Nesvizh Teachers’ Training Seminary. Later, the fate sent him to work as a teacher to Pinsk region where he is still well remembered, loved and respected. In 1906, his first poem “Native Land” was published in one of the first Belarusian newspapers “Nasha Dolya”. After that, the poet was imprisoned for three years for his assistance in the organization of an informal teachers’ meeting. In 1912, Kolas returned to Pinsk to teach after his release. However, in 1915, the poet had to leave the country for Russia wh ere he worked at school as a teacher for some time. The same year young Kolas was called to the army, and two years after his return, in 1921, Yakub Kolas moves to his native country in Minsk. The famous writer began his active creative and scientific work since that.

The Museum-Estate of the writer presents four memorial complexes in Nicolaevschina. Smolnya is a manor house that was the Mitskevich family mansion in times gone by. The poet’s family lived there since 1910. The estate structures include a dwelling house, a well and some household outbuildings. You can see here majestic limes that Yakub Kolas himself carefully planted.

There is a house in Akinchintsy, wh ere Konstantin Mitskevich was born and spent several years.  It was a small location at earlier times. It has later grown to a village. Yakub Kolas lived there with his family only three years – since 1881 to 1883.

The memorial complex Albut is an estate located five kilometers from Stolbtsy. In the late XIX century, that house was an ordinary forest hut in which the future poet and writer lived with his family. Kolas spent his childhood in that picturesque place. Every day he went to Nicolaevsk School from that house; his first poem appeared there.

The forth complex of the Museum-Estate of Kolas is situated 12 km from Nicolaevschina. Konstantin spent his early childhood in Lastok, when his talent began to appear. Now the house stands here and all neighboring outbuildings have been restored.

Therefore, visiting these places will be interesting for those who are even somewhat familiar with the creative work of this outstanding personality of his time. By the way, sometimes offsite lessons of Belarusian literature are held here; you can immerse yourself in learning the life and creative work of Yakub Kolas.