The Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich in Grodno

There is a beautiful old detached house in one of small streets of Grodno. Lots of passers-by are always seen near it. They often go on their own way, pass by and even do not suspect what value this wonderful wooden building has. Numerous admirers of the creative work of a great son of the Belarusian land come here; thematic parties involving Belarusian bohemia are held here; curious tourists visit it, and amazing excursions are held here. It is due to the fact that this building hosts the Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich that appeared on the cultural map of Grodno in 1986. Earlier there was aboard on the building telling that the great poet’s family had lived there. The Bogdanovich family lived in the Grodno house for several years; the future poet spent his happy and careless childhood there. It is remarkable that Danuta Bichel-Zagnetova, another prominent personality of Belarusian culture, inspiredly worked there for a long time.

The parents of little Maxim moved to the Grodno house fr om Minsk when the father of the friendly family was employed in a local bank. The Bogdanovich family was well-educated and intelligent, so their house became a place attracting the variegated creative elite of the town. However, some time later, a trouble knocked the door: the mother of the future poet died fr om a severe illness, the family moved again after that, and then the destination became Nizhny-Novgorod.

The most significant place in the museum is given to the original collection of poems “Vyanok” notable for the fact that it is the first and the last edition of the works of the great poet Maxim Bogdanovich that he saw in his lifetime. Certificates of birth of Maxim’s brother and sister baptized in Grodno are kept in the museum. And, of course, particular attention is paid to the then town appearance and its everyday life of the late XIX century, ranging from old photographs and postcards to personals of Maxim Bogdanovich (a spoon, a photo frame). The museum exposition is also dedicated to the popular newspaper “Nasha Niva”, the Minsk period of life of Bogdanovich and the final resting place of the great Belarusian in far Yalta wh ere the poet died. The Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich of Grodno does not forget Rakutyovschina wh ere the poet stayed for a long time and wrote one of his opuses. There are also works of talented Belarusians in the museum. They are dedicated to the great personality of Maxim Bogdanovich being a source of their inspiration.

The museum of Maxim Bogdanovich in Grodno still continues functioning to the delight of true connoisseurs of the great Belarusian’s creative work. The museum exposition includes five rooms, ranging from the father’s study and mother’s room to the living-room and the nursery. These rooms are notable for the fact that their interior is similar to that in which the Bogdanoviches family lived years ago.

The Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich in Grodno is opened to everyone who wants to wonder around the spacious rooms, touch the bygone age and feel the creative atmosphere that had grown a poetic genius of the great Belarusian.