Memorial Complex “Military glory”
In 1974, in memory of fellow countrymen who fought against the Nazi invaders, as well as those who died during the Great Patriotic War, a memorial complex was created “Military glory” in the town of Glusk.
The liberation of the Glussky district took place during the operation "Bagration" by the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, commanded by Army General Rokossovsky.
Many soldiers and officers who participated in the liberation of Glusk were awarded orders and medals for their courage and bravery. The commander of the 295th Regiment, Andrei Maksimovich Voloshin, was awarded the high title Hero of the Soviet Union.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War, on the territory of the Glussky district, 3126 civilians of the district were shot or torn to pieces by the fascists, the villages of Parshakh, Bridges, Belye, Stanichi, Slavina, Amur, Vyunishchi were completely burned, two machine transport stations, civilian buildings of collective farms, state farms, schools, clubs, libraries, 1777 residential buildings were destroyed houses.
The memorial complex "Military Glory" is a historical artistic monument that was erected on the southern outskirts of Glusk, near the cemetery, at the intersection of Maxim Gorky and Gagarin Streets, the Bobruisk-Minsk highway.
The memorial complex is a platform measuring 20 by 24 meters, located on an embankment hill. In its center there is a sculpture of a young woman holding a sword topped with a laurel branch on her outstretched arms. The height of the sculpture of a woman is five meters. Expressive silhouette, generalized plasticity of forms, dynamics of composition, give the sculpture monumentality.
On three sides, stairs lead to the bulk hill, turning into concrete paths with flower lawns. Near one of them, going towards the road, there are six concrete blocks with information inscriptions.
Grave graves of the victims of fascism and the mass grave of Soviet patriots are located behind the memorial, where, in addition to the graves of the residents of Glusk, there are graves of victims of fascism.
During the grand opening of the memorial monument, the participants of the rally unanimously accepted the testament to the descendants. Its text and the list of soldiers and partisans killed in battles, civilians, victims of fascism in a special metal capsule are immured in the niche of the monument-monument.
Grateful glushchane sacredly honor the memory of the heroes of the war. The feat of our countrymen during the Great Patriotic War is immortalized in the Military Glory Memorial, 104 monuments and obelisks.