The memorial chapel in the village of Lesnaya

The majority of memorial complexes and architectural ensembles of Belarus are dedicated to this or that war activities. And it is not surprising, as the territory of Belarus was a ground of battles and fights between plenty of countries and troops. One of the most significant events in the Northern war history is so-called the Battle of Lesnaya, named also “The mother of Poltava” (Peter I himself named it like that) took place at the time near the village of Lesnaya of Mogilev region.

The battle and its consequences

The battle of Lesnaya took place in 1708 between about sixteen thousand people of Swedish army, led by famous General Lewenhaupt, and Russian troops, which were ruled by Peter I himself. The second ones had fewer soldiers and also the quality of their weapons and uniforms were worse.

The result of such a memorable in history of Russia and entire Europe event was a crushing victory of the Russian army. Thus, in contrast, Swedes lost about ten thousand people, while the Russian troops – only about one thousand. This fact, in its turn, not only strengthened solders’ spirit before the forthcoming battles and fights, but also slowed down the Swedish army activity at Moscow door.

Pride for such an overwhelming and unexpected victory was the reason for a memorial complex, which still attracts the connoisseurs of history and simply the curious tourists to Mogilev land, to be built on the battlefield territory.

A structure of the complex

First and foremost, a chapel is worth mentioning, constructed upon the project of a talented architect Gagen. Its walls are neatly faced with golden plates, and you can find panel icons of unbelievable beauty in them.

The very building itself is made in Russian modern style with elements of Romanticism added. Tree-arched portals, placed on the first level of the church, many-sided hipped roof and other components serve as evidence of it.

A museum was placed in the walls of the chapel for a long time, but its functioning was stopped after the tragic Chernobyl disaster. A church started to function only rather recently, in the late 90s of the last century, after the restoration works had been carried out.

One more noticeable element of the whole composition is a monument, built upon the project of a sculptor A. Ober. It represents a figure of an eagle, standing proudly above a banner of the defeated Swedish troops of many thousands of soldiers.

Finally, a marble obelisk, set up over the bed of honour, closes the composition.

The state watches over the condition of the whole complex, arousing such an unchangeable interest on the residents’ side and on the part of the guests from the neighboring region. Thus, serious restoration works were organized in early 2000s.

Today numerous tourist and theme tours over Belarus, in particular, dedicated to military topics, lead to this place. This legendary place should be visited by everyone, who appreciates a history of his native land, and who is attracted to the architectural monuments.