Saint Anna Church in Dzerzhinsk

Saint Anna Church in Dzerzhinsk

Dzerzhinsk is located thirty kilometers fr om the capital of Belarus. This place during its existence had changed its name three times. Until 1932, it was called Koydanov, since the formation of the Old Russian state Dzerzhinsk was called Koydanovo, and until 1146 the settlement was known as Krutogorye because there was a very uneven terrain.

According to ancient written sources, in the XII century, in the settlement, there was a stone castle and zoo, wh ere local people to look at animals.

Now the town is called in honor of Felix Dzerzhinsky - the Belarusian politician and revolutionary. Felix was born near this town in the same-name estate of the Dzherzhinsky family - Dzerzhinovo. A monument to this man was built in the town in front of the district executive committee.

In addition to the sights associated with F.E. Dzerzhinsky, there are many other interesting objects. There is the highest point in Belarus here, whose height ranges from 345 meters. In addition, an ancient settlement "Gashtoldova Gora" and local history museum are located there. But the St Anna Church is considered to be a spiritual and architectural center of Dzerzhinsk.

Despite the various written documentary sources relating to the appearance of Dzerzhinsk, many scientists connect the appearance of the settlement with the construction of the wooden St. Anna church. The Catholic Church was built in 1453. Like many other ancient Belarusian churches, this church was made of wood. It is obvious that such a short lasting material could not stand for a few centuries. During 4 centuries, the church burned and was reconstructed several times.

The modern building of the church dates back to the XVIII century. The church combines several styles, including Baroque and Classicism. Visitors can see a two-towered basilica with three naves and five-sided apse. The church is surrounded by a stone fence, the building itself is made in light beige and brown shades.

The church belonged to Catholics until 1945. Then in the post-war period, the building was used as a cultural center, later there was a music school. By the end of the XX century, in 1990, the church opened its doors for parishioners, worship service was conducted again.

One may think all bad things left behind. However, in 2003 the church was burned again. Fortunately, no one and the building itself did not suffer. Nowadays, as before, the church meets parishioners and guests of the town.