The Church of Saint Zigmund in Baranovichi

There is a town in Brest region called Baranovichi that is situated between the river Shchara and Myshanka. That town is an administrative center of the district and has its rich history. Besides, it ranks the eighth in the Republic by its population. However the town is rather young, it was founded in 1871. Interestingly, the construction of railway lines forming a major transport hub promoted the development of the town.

The history of religious communities and buildings in Baranovichi began in the XVII century when the Jesuit Mission of Roman Catholic Church found a lodgment in the village. Later after the merging of the place Razvadovo, situated in the territory of the palatine Rasvadovsky and Baranovich families, the count Rasvadovsky allotted two plots for the construction of a temple and a church. The temple known as Pokrovsky Cathedral was constructed in 1908. The construction of the church failed as the throne used to obstruct it, in spite of the fact that it was permitted to build churches in the territory of Western Belarus. The first Catholic Church was built in Baranovichi only in 1925; today it is the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the interest in religious knowledge and, particularly, in Catholic faith was renewed in Baranovichi. A great number of new churches and temples were constructed. One of them is the Church of Saint Zigmund situated in the picturesque place on the corner of Enthusiasts and Sergeant Streets. That wonderful example of avant-garde style was constructed in 2000 in line with the latest trends in building. The main raw materials are, of course, brick and concrete. But quite a number of high windows give a sense of lightness and airiness. The general exterior of the building will capture the attention as soon as you see it, because the frontage consists of two high towers with pent-roofs the shape of which shows upward direction. There is a center nave with a triangular frontal attracting attention with its fenestration in the space between the towers. The church itself stands on the huge court with arched gates denoting the entrance. Interestingly, the gates follow the shape of the church frontal, and they are also made of red brick. The territory around the church amazes with a sense of lightness, as it presents an excellent example of landscape design.

It is very lightly inside the church. That effect is caused by a huge number of windows around the perimeter of the walls and interesting architectural solutions, including battlements. All together, these elements present a bright example of Catholic architecture in Baranovichi.