The Catholic Church of St. Nicholas in Geraneny village

The settlement under the name Geraneny was first mentioned in the 15th century. That village was donated to court Marshal Yan Gashtold by Grand Duke of Lithuania.

In 1493, King Alexander handed over the ownership of that settlement to the Reichschancellor of the Great Duchy of Lithuania, Vilno voivode Voytsekh.

It is known that Voytsekh started to assist the construction of the local castle in the late 15th – early 16thcenturies that causes a great interest to those places among a huge number of travelers.

The Catholic Church of St. Nicholas, built in 1529, is also a significant heritage of Geraneny village.  Over the years of its existence, the building was rebuilt many times.

If you recall historical events, Stanislav Gashtołd, who was the last representative of his family, led his beloved 15-year-old Barbara Radziwill to the altar in this Catholic Church in 1537.

This Church combines elements of the late Baroque and elements of later Classicism. As a result of numerous restorations, the Church of St. Nicholas has lost its unique architectural features, which gained during the past eras.

A presbytery adjoins the Church on the South side. A gable roof covered with copper sheets rises above the nave. This roof was renovated not so long ago – in the 80-ies of the past century.

A basic property of the Catholic Church of St. Nicholas is a Baroque altar decorated with complicated carvings and sacred images. Sculptures and stucco decorations in various parts of the temple attract visitors’ attention. And multi-level organ choirs, which make the temple an attractive place for weddings, give the Catholic Church of St. Nicholas unsurpassed solemnity.

It is worth noting that the interior of the church with its elegance and beauty differs from the modest exterior. Four octagonal pylons, built of shaped bricks, support netlike arches. The presbytery is separated from the nave with a carinate arch.

Among the columns there are figured statuettes of babies. The left altar is decorated with sculptures of St. Casimir, St. George and the image of St. Nicholas.

There is the icon “Mother of God with child” in the center of the altar, this image is considered miracle-working according to the inventory of the 18thcentury. Until recently, this icon was in a silver frame, but the frame was stolen in 1996, after which the sacred image of the Mother of God was given for restoration. The Catholic Church of St. Nicholas in Geraneny village is still shrouded in the spirit of Belarusian medieval architecture with an amazing and centuries-old history. This temple attracts a huge number of travelers and pilgrims who come to these lands to bow down before the Holy wonder-working images located in this church.