St. Andrew Catholic Church in Lyntupy

This church of the ancient Belarusian town (today an urban settlement) is associated with two Andrews – St. Andrew the Apostle and St. Andrew Bobola.

The first name is used on the website of the Belarusian Catholic church. St. Andrew Church was founded and consecrated earlier than Andrew Bobola was born.  The first wooden church of St. Andrew the Apostle was built in 1459, a stone church was built on the site of the burnt church in 1908-1914.

Andrew Bobola – Polish and Belarusian saint – lived in 1591-1657. The martyr, who gave his life for his faith (he was tortured to death by the Cossacks, but did not repudiate the tenets of Catholicism), is revered among Belarusian and Polish Catholics. He is considered the patron of these countries. The second name of the church is mentioned even in reputable publications.

Patrons of the church in Lyntupy

Historically, the church has two patrons with the same name.

Saint Andrew the Apostle is one of the twelve apostles, the Disciples of Christ, mentioned in the Gospels, is revered in Christianity since ancient times.

Andrew Bobola, who was born in a noble family, was a member of the Jesuit Order, religious orator, educated theologian, missionary. He was respected by kings, ordinary people, even supporters of other religions feared him. He is sometimes called the apostle of Polesye, his relics are located in Warsaw.

Architecture and decorations of the Catholic Church

The brick building of the church stands in the heart of the urban-type settlement. White, majestic, it has always been a focal point of the settlement. The building of the Pseudo-Baroque style, according to canons, should be ponderous, but actually, floats and two tall towers support the church. Stucco elements are typical exterior decorations of the church.

Experts point out the plasticity of the building, the aesthetic value of towers with lantern-shaped tops. The entire building seems to be full of a musical rhythm: high arched windows of the side facades create vertical rhythm, cornices, pilasters – horizontal.

The church is surrounded by a low stone fence. A three-span gate, besides the utilitarian function, performs aesthetic: it is relevant, wrought-iron, beautiful, it looks harmoniously altogether.

The interior of the church is elegant. Beautiful altars, icons of fine writing, high ceilings and spacious room evoke a devotional and contemplative mood. There is the iconic image of St. Anna (XVII-XIX centuries).

During its existence, despite hard times, the church has been always functioning, and today it is a symbol of faith, a monument of architecture, attraction, and pride of the town.