A new attraction has appeared near the Minsk National Airport

An unusual sculpture appeared near the Minsk National Airport. A family of three storks sat down at the fountain in anticipation of their departure. The composition is made of bronze, its author is the sculptor Stanislav Krukovsky. 

The artist explains the concept of the new attraction of Minsk as follows:

  • the father of the family — is a stork in years, old-fashioned and innocent,

  • his wife, in contrast to him, is a fashionista,

  • the son of this married couple — is a typical modern teenager.

The sculptural composition is complemented by a suitcase, which stands near the adult storks, and a son’s bag. There are interesting details: a frog sticking out of a bag’s pocket and a plane ticket.

By the way, now air tickets can be bought on VETLIVA! And so as not to worry about anything, you can immediately order a transfer to get on your flight on time.

Source:  http://news.21.by/
A new attraction has appeared near the Minsk National Airport