The original Belarusian breed of dogs is restored

Vladimir Lazarenko, a plumber from Molodechno, has an unusual hobby. He is a dog handler. He loves to hunt and holds the post of the chairman of the Republican Commission on the breed of Belarusian potter. That is the name of the only dog ​​breed in the world bred in our country.

Mikola Gusovsky mentioned Belarusian potter for the first time in his famous poem The Song about Bison. And Adam Mickiewicz mentioned it too when he wrote the poem Pan Tadeusz.

An interesting fact from VETLIVA: many pages of Pan Tadeusz are devoted to Belarusian traditions, life and, in particular, Belarusian cuisine. Read our article about gastro tour in Belarus and find out where you can eat royally even now.

Vladimir has been breeding since 2004. Belarusian potter has already been included in the list of the hunting breeds. To emphasize the origin of dogs, the puppies are given beautiful nicknames in the Belarusian language: Zmagar, Prypyatz, Gonar.

The original Belarusian breed of dogs is restored