There is a new reserve in Belarus
In Belarus, a wetland reserve was established on the territory of the Slavgorod district. The area of ​​the new reserve is slightly more than 14.77 thousand hectares. The lands of the "Slavgorod" reserve include:
  • forest fund lands,
  • agricultural land of several agricultural enterprises: "Zhelezinsky AGRO" (55.48 hectares), "Lesniansky Agro" (480.93 hectares), "Sowaje" (1,531.92 ha), "Our Motherland" (395.99 ha), " Urechansky "(235.65 ha)," Gizhenky-Agro "(522.93 ha), as well as almost 3 thousand hectares of reserve land.
During the next six months, information signs will be established around the protected area and a reserve is registered. In the meantime, the boundaries of the security zone are only on paper.

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