
Veino is a small agro-town, that is a part of Mogilev region. Notwithstanding the unusual and beautiful sounding of its name, there are several towns with the same name in Belarus.

The name of the town comes fr om the term “veno”, which origins fr om the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s legislation. Veno is a sum of money a wife could count on in case of divorce. The amount of veno was calculated from a wife’s dowry cost, that is after a dissolution of marriage a wife had to get the money equal the property she brought into family. Generally one third of the whole spouses’ property was considered to be a veno. If such a consideration hadn’t been made the widow couldn’t have counted on an inheritance after a husband’s death.

Historical note and sights

The first mention of a Veino village is met in historical chronicles in the 16th century. By that time it wasn’t just a village any longer, but a small administrative centre with several local townships under its subjection. In the 16th century, Veino was gifted to Kiev-Pechersk monastery, that rented the village out to Mogilev residents. After the state of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exit in 18th century, being a part of the Russian lands, the territory of Veino was gifted to one of Catherine II favourites-lieutenant Alehsander Ermakov. The erection of the main architectural sight of Veino – The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin is dated to the time of his ruling. This temple is an inimitable structure built in classicism style. Its uniqueness consists in the absence of straight corners – all of them were designed and built semicircular. The church knows no equals not only on the territory of Belarus but perhaps throughout the world.

A distillery with a 15 horse powered steam-engine and a windmill functioned effectively in Veino county seat in 1840. By the twentieth century, the village had been the centre of the rural district and, in 1922, country gentlemen lands were reorganized into a state farm. However, the Great Patriotic War which came to this land completely destroyed Veino. After the war the settlement revived slowly and received the status of an agro-town only in 2006.

Except for the architectural zest Veino is famous all over Belarus for the water quality being extracted from artesian wells at one hundred and forty meters depth. It is here wh ere the famous production titled “Veinyansky spring” is located, which taste is familiar to each of us. the ski centre “Silichi”, wh ere you can use a swimming pool, enjoy all kinds of massage, all sorts of caring procedures and masks.

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